giving your wrists a little bit of love

Yoga is naturally a practice where we spend a lot of time on our hands and popping our wrists into positions that they are not often in in day to day life. Although these movements …

meditating in the modern world

Now the title of this post may seem like one of my how to…. but to be honest this is more of a post saying that there is no right or wrong way to meditate …

Breaking down the pose – seated forward bends

I’m back with another three poses to break down…following a vote over on my Instagram, seated forward folds are next as they narrowly beat standing balances. But don’t worry, they’ll be coming next! I can …

Taking yoga off the mat and living in balance

The western world can be a frantic crazy place, filled with commuting, 9-7 working and commitments that we often don’t have control over, add in our penchant for a glass of wine and you could …

The benefits of a physical yoga practice

The physical practice is not the only practice in yoga but there are so many benefits to the practice of asana, pranayama and meditation that it is no wonder this is what gets all the …

Breaking down the pose – the warrior family

After my post breaking down the sun salutation I was wondering where to go with pose breakdowns and thought why not begin to break down the key standing poses so here we are with the …

What is a sun salutation?

So I’ve covered frequent fears and questions, sanskrit and mats in my beginners series and now it’s time to move onto the physical practice. Now if you are a beginner really don’t worry about heading …


Giving back through yoga

What do you gain from yoga? Is it all about growing that flexible body? Maybe being part of an awesome community? Maybe its learning to love your body again post surgery or injury? Or maybe …