The beauty of block printing

A wooden block is used to print a navy paisley motif onto white fabric for a Yogipod kantha throw

Block printing is where the whole Yogipod story starts. The beautiful craft is how all of our props and homewares are printed and it truly is a skill passed down over generations. I work with …

Festivals you can find Yogipod at this summer

Yogipod 2024 festival pop ups

I’m a festival girl at heart. Never happier than when I’m in a field, preferably in the sunshine, with likeminded people. Which is why it’s amazing to take Yogipod to these special places every summer. …

Meet the Female Founders | Hannah, Sage & Grace

Hannah blends aromatherapy oils for Sage and Grace

One of the absolute pleasures of running Yogipod is meeting others who also run small businesses. It’s always inspiring to hear their stories, particularly when so many of those I find myself in community with …

Yogipod in the Press in 2023

yogipod yoga props in a yoga studio ready for a yoga class

We may well be in the new year and if you subscribe to the “new year, new you” mindset then looking back probably isn’t the done thing. But, I’m a big believer in learning from …

Where you can find Yogipod this summer

the festivals you can find yogipod at this summer

Those of you who have met me, know me in real life or who have been part of the Yogipod family for a while will know by now that I love a festival. To be …

Meet the models

Yogipod meditation cushions being used in a meditation circle

When organising my first Yogipod shoot with models other than me I knew that I had to shoot strong, inspiring women. Luckily that is exactly what I managed to do and on a chilly December …