Ok, first a disclaimer I am not in any way saying I am the perfect model of coping right now. It is definitely up and down, a bit like an isolation rollercoaster! But having worked …
Reforest the planet with every order
Following on from the success of planting a tree for every Christmas gift sold I am so please to announce that going forward a tree will be planted for every Yogipod order! Once again Yogipod …
Creating a kind Christmas
Christmas, it really can be the most wonderful time of the year but it can also be a really difficult time for a lot of us. The pressure of the Christmas ads and society telling …
Plant a tree this Christmas with Yogipod and Treesisters
This Christmas, not only can you treat those that you love to some gorgeous Yogipod gift bundles but for every gift bundle sold we will plant a tree meaning the planet will benefit too! I …
Welcome to the family Jaipur Pink!
I know, I know I’ve been teasing it for weeks/months/years (delete as appropriate) but the Jaipur Pink colourway is finally here and honestly it is so so beautiful. I was pretty anxious about this colour …
sustainable swaps – building a more sustainable life
I set myself the challenge to live more sustainably last year but what changes have I actually made and which ones have stuck in my more sustainable life? Like most people I decided that 2018 …
the self love club
Anyone else always find the hearts and flowers of Valentine’s Day a bit of a struggle? Trying not to get caught up in it all while also secretly hoping for a treat (but a nice …
finding the light in January
I’ll be honest, January and I have a rocky relationship. One minute we’re deeply in love and the next we really don’t like each other very much at all. It can be a beautiful month …
the magical art of block printing
The art of printing has always fascinated me, whether it be in the form of lino printing, screen printing, digital printing or block printing. The creating of an artwork and the application of it onto …
the yogipod guide to christmas
Christmas, the most wonderful time of year….or is it? A time to get together with those that you love, exchange good will and gifts, or a time to feel overwhelmed, worried and a little out …