Meet the female founders | Amy, Willow Yoga

Willow yoga mats and Yogipod yoga props, photography Emily Metcalfe

One of the absolute pleasures of running Yogipod is meeting others who also run small businesses. It’s always inspiring to hear their stories, particularly when so many of those I find myself in community with are female founders. In this series I’m going to introduce you to their businesses and most importantly the founders themselves.

Female Founder Amy Willow Yoga

Willow was founded in 2018 by Amy Powell with a mission in mind: to bring joy to people’s Yoga practice through her love of vibrant patterns and background in textile design.

The environment was always forefront of mind when launching Willow Yoga. Amy wanted to create unique, beautiful, premium mats that are sustainable, eco-friendly and don’t cost the earth. 

I met up with Amy to ask all about running Willow Yoga and this is what she had to say.

Willow Yoga creates the most beautiful printed yoga mats, what inspired you to start creating these and start your business? 

As a textile designer I am always creating, drawing and designing and I came up with these four designs which I loved – and my love of yoga inspired me to create a mat that not only has a purpose for exercising but one that makes you want to ‘roll out your mat’ and that visually excites and motivates you. I haven’t seen any printed yoga mats with the ‘wow’ factor… and so I wanted to create this and to inspire others to want to exercise and most importantly, to bring them joy!

What do you think the best thing is about having your own business and running Willow Yoga? 

I love that I get to design my own day, I had an idea and I’ve been building it up ever since. I’m so glad I believed in myself to launch Willow Yoga. Meeting other small businesses going through the same journey is the best way to grow as a person and as a business.  

Conversely what do you find the most challenging? 

Running a small business comes with lots of challenges, it can feel quite lonely at times. I often need to bounce ideas around and love a team bond so I do miss having a big team to work with. I feel as though I have to put myself out there help grow the business. I am constantly having to learn new things and more often than not it’s being brave, taking the plunge and not being afraid to make mistakes and learning from them. 

Willow yoga printed yoga mats Yogipod blog
Image Credit – Emily Metcalfe for Willow Yoga

You design all of your prints yourself, what does that process look like? 

I hand draw and paint everything and then I manipulate the designs on the computer so that they can be printed. It’s a therapeutic process and also very rewarding seeing the final products come to life. 

Creating a community around a small business is, I think, one of the privileges of running one. What five words would you use to describe what you would like your business to bring to the community around it?  

Joy, happiness, positivity, empowerment and motivation. 

I know we aren’t supposed to have favourites but what is your favourite product you’ve ever created and why? 

Our tropicana indigo print is my favourite because I love the colours and that fact it’s a placement print, it’s also the first of the designs I came up with. I think it looks great in the home and is more than just your yoga mat.. it’s luxurious and brings an element of vibrancy into your home space. 

What does a typical day look like for you? 

I start the morning with a short yoga flow or meditation… it’s the best way to set me up for the day, I also make sure I have a daily dog walk at some point during the day. This is amongst the juggle of having a little person to organise before my working day begins. I journal down my thoughts first thing before starting work, it helps get rid of any brain fog! I check my emails for potential partnerships with Willow Yoga and any enquiries that have come in. 

I carve out time to work on and learn more about marketing the brand I have created and looking at ways to expand the business. 

Depending on how many orders there are, I will package these up ready to be sent to their new home. 

At the end of my working day I will make new list of my ‘wins’ for the day and goals met as well as tomorrow’s ‘to-do’… 

When running a brand in the wellness sector it can be assumed that as founders we have everything sorted, when it can often be the total opposite. What do you do to look after yourself or what would you like to do more of? 

I journal daily… getting all of my thoughts down on paper I find is the best way to clear my mind and  helps set me up for the day. I try and make sure I do my own yoga practice and exercise. Being organised is something that really helps me stay on top of all off the jobs that comes with running your own business. So a ‘to-do’ list is my key for staying focused – with a pukka tea in hand. 

What does the future hold for Willow Yoga? 

I have so many more products and designs I would love to develop and making sure everything is as eco-friendly and sustainable and possible is always something at the fore front of my design.

To discover Willow Yoga’s gorgeous mats for yourself follow them on social media or head to the website

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