The mini yoga bolster is coming!

Yogipod mini yoga bolsters

If you’ve been hanging around on the Yogipod instagram then you might already know or have an idea about what the new member of the Yogipod prop family is. If you haven’t been then this post is the one that will tell you everything you need to know before they launch on the 30th June!

Smaller and cuter than their larger sibling, but no less supportive, I’m delighted to introduce you to the Mini Bolster

What is the Mini Bolster?

The mini bolster is literally what it says on the tin, a mini version of our best selling yoga bolsters. Still filled with organic buckwheat hulls and with a gorgeous hand block printed removable cover, just a little smaller. Measuring 32cm long instead of 60cm and with a diameter of 12cm instead of 23cm they are pretty much half the size. They have a handle to help you move them around and of course our standard concealed zip which means there’s no uncomfortable zip digging in to you when you practice

How can I use a Mini Bolster?

Using a Yogipod mini bolster to rest at the end of class

Well, like all props it really is up to you how you use them. The best thing is to get hold of one and have a play. Add it into your practice as you go and see what feels good.

With the mini bolster the best advice I can give is to treat it like a more comfortable yoga block. Because the buckwheat hulls are able to move around in Mini Bolster they let whatever area of the body is in contact really nestle in and feel supported.

When it comes to inspiration on how to use one these are some of my favourite uses:

  • Just like Harriet shows in the image above try popping the Mini Bolster under your neck when laying down for some extra support. Of course this could be in savasana at the end of a yoga class but also works just as well for that extra support while reading in bed. Fingers crossed it’ll help release tension around the neck and jaw
  • Use to support your knees in forward folds. For most of us it isn’t comfortable to sit with the legs out totally straight when we are in forward folds. If you’ve ever been encourage to add a bend into your knees in paschimottanasana for example then placing the Mini Bolster under your knees will support that micro bend
  • Prop the knees when they are bent in seated postures. This could be in janu sirsasana when the bent knee isn’t comfortable being in space or just propping the knee of the tighter hip when sat cross legged
  • Support your bottom in pigeon. If you often feel like you could do with some support for the bum cheek of your bent leg in pigeon then the Mini Bolster is the one for you. Perfect for sliding under there and helping you find the release that feels right for your body
  • Use wherever you might use a block to bring the floor closer. That could be lizard, a low lunge or any other posture where you wish your arms were just that little bit longer

If I have a regular yoga bolster do I need the Mini?

Obviously that is only a question that you can answer and one that I am biased towards saying yes. But my argument for both is that they do different things and behave differently.

The Mini Bolster is smaller and so straight away it is more portable and easier to take to classes and move around your mat. Due to it being smaller though it won’t give same level of lift when seated of laid on that the larger bolster would.

For me the Mini Bolster is a great addition to relaxation and stretching, they are it’s primary roles both on and off the mat. As I said it is great under your neck in bed and would also be amazing laid down the centre of your shoulder blades along the spin to help open the chest.

It may not be a question of either/or but instead looking at what you are looking for a prop to do in your practice

When is the launch?

The Mini Bolster joins the Yogipod family on the 30th June, just after our 5th birthday. It’ll be live online from 8:30am with a limited run to check popularity. So if you’re after one, check back then!

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