How to make your yoga practice a habit

Yogipod founder Georgie lays with her lower back propped on a bolster in supported bridge pose

Going to a weekly yoga class is great, especially when you realise that it is that that makes you feel great but how do you take that once a week feeling through the whole week? That’s when we start to look at making something we love into a habit rather than an occasional activity. Whether that be exploring more classes or starting your own self practice, often the motivation is there but it gets swept away by life. So how do you make your yoga practice into a habit?

Book a date with your practice

When it comes to making your practice a habit I think routine is a key part of that. If you are booking into a class then it is easier to have the accountability of a date in your diary but you can also do this for a self practice. So whether you are heading to the studio or unrolling your mat at home, get used to booking that time into your diary a week in advance. Obviously if you are heading to the gym or a studio then we tend to treat that more as a non negotiable and rarely become no shows but that is harder with a practice at home.

If you are cultivating a home practice then I would also recommend scheduling time in as if you were heading to the studio. For most of us first thing in the day or as soon as work finishes works best as it mitigates the danger of being distracted by everything else at home. Ultimately though, find the time or class that works for you and ensure to get that time booked in to treat yourself.

Set up a space that is a treat to be in

Now this tip is particularly helpful if you are trying to make a home yoga practice a habit. We all know that the aesthetics of the space won’t really make a difference to your practice itself but it could make a difference to you wanting to practice and sticking to that routine.

So whatever space you are working with, whether it be by the side of the bed, your living room or a corner squirrelled away somewhere, have a think whether there is something you could do to take make it extra cosy. This might be thinking about lighting, maybe turning off your main lights and using fairy lights or soft light instead. Scent can also be used to set an intention in a space, so maybe you always have the same candle lit or use an aromatherapy blend. Another thing that can work if your space is large enough is to always have your mat unrolled or your props out. That then gives you that visual clue to take five minutes to practice and was the whole idea behind me creating Yogipod in the first place.

However you make your space a treat remember it is all about creating a space that you want to practice in so that when you see it you are magnetically drawn to your mat or cushion.

Make an accountability buddy

Accountability, it’s a word none of us really like but when it comes to setting habits it really is a key idea. I’ve already spoken about the idea of using scheduling of your practice as your accountability but if that doesn’t work for you then how about finding a friend who could be an accountability buddy for you. They might be a friend who comes to class with you or maybe it’s someone who drops you a message to check whether you’ve practiced today. It’s not necessarily nagging as you can set the parameters for those check in’s but it may just help to keep you accountable while that habit forms

Cut yourself some slack

For me one of the most important factors in creating a habit though is not telling yourself off when it slips. We are all human and sometimes routine and habits are there and other times they just aren’t. If you tell yourself off when you haven’t practiced then you are much less likely to get back on that mat tomorrow as there is a negative connotation. Instead, acknowledge that you missed that practice, work out why and maybe dive back in to a couple of the tips above to reset that habit. All is not lost, so cut yourself some slack, treat yourself with kindness and think of your practice tomorrow as an extra special treat, not a chore.

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