Blankets in yoga, perfect for that savasana snuggle right? Well you’re totally spot on but did you know yoga blankets can also be super helpful in the rest of your practice too?
Whether a fleecy cosy blanket or a traditional heavy cotton Iyengar style prop all blankets have their space within the studio and quite frankly once you’ve used one I don’t think you’ll go back to not having one by your side.
How can you use a blanket in yoga?
The most usual way of using a blanket in yoga is in savasana, to keep yourself warm as you settle into relaxation, but how else can you use one?
- To bring padding under joints – folding a blanket and popping it under your knees while on all fours can make this position so much more comfortable. A rolled blanket under the ankles in childs pose is also lovely as this takes the pressure out of the flexion of the feet if this isn’t comfortable
- Building strength – a wonderful way to build strength is to use a blanket on a shiny floor. One of my favourite ways is under my feet in downward dog and to slide my feet as close to my hands as possible. Perfect for practicing pike and building core strength
- Supporting stretches – a rolled blanket is also great for supporting your more passive stretches. Personally I like popping a rolled blanket under my knees in paschimottanasana or under the bent knee in janu sirsasana. A folded blanket is also perfect under the heels in wide angled seated forward bend if the heels are uncomfortable on the floor.
Why would you use a blanket?
For me, blankets are all about bringing some comfort to your practice, this can be as support in a posture or as a signal to your brain to switch off. Weighting is really useful in relaxation to calm the body and of course also to keep yourself warm!
My blanket recommendations
Yogipod bed throws are a really good size for relaxation and although don’t have the weight of a traditional yoga blanket they’d be perfect for a simpler practice.
For a traditional heavier yoga blanket for restorative practices, this Yogamatters one is really lovely or this Ekotex Organic Cotton one is lovely.
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